How to Straighten Teeth Quickly – What’s the Best Option?

How to Straighten Teeth Quickly – Whats the Best Option
Published Date:
July 17, 2021
Updated Date:
July 17, 2021
Reading Time: 7:min
Published Date:
July 17, 2021
Updated Date:
July 17, 2021
Reading Time: 7:min

Table of contents

  1. So, what other choice is there?
  2. What are clear aligners?
  3. How does the process work?
  4. Quick teeth straightening the flexible way
  5. Why clear aligners are popular

If you’re considering orthodontic treatment, then you’re not alone. According to a survey carried out in 2018, amongst British Orthodontic Society (BOS) members the number of adults (1) seeking orthodontic treatment continues to rise.

More adults than ever are looking for ways to straighten teeth but with so many options available, it can be difficult knowing what to choose. Of the orthodontists participating in the BOS survey, a cross-section of approaches was revealed.

  • Over 75% supplied fixed braces with clear brackets
  • Over 35% supplied braces that sit behind the teeth (lingual)
  • Over 75% supplied clear braces (aligners)

The most popular type of braces provided by over 98% of the orthodontists was conventional fixed metal braces or. However, this was no doubt due to it being the most appropriate option for the high number of young patients treated by the NHS.

The average treatment time with fixed metal braces is between18-24 months which if you’re looking for quick teeth straightening options can feel like a lifetime.

So, what other choice is there?

We understand that people living busy lives may struggle to fit orthodontic treatment into their lifestyle which is why clear aligners are a strong alternative. Not just any old clear aligners mind, but aligners that are designed to work from home.

An orthodontist-led treatment with remote monitoring makes it easy to achieve your dream smile without attending countless dental appointments; and with an average treatment time of around 4-6 months for mild cases, it can take less than half the time of metal braces to straighten teeth.

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners or clear braces as they’re often called, are worn over the teeth a little like a mouthguard. As opposed to wearing a single fixed brace for the duration of treatment a series of removable aligners are worn in sequential order.

Aligners are designed to move teeth a little at a time by applying gentle pressure to the teeth. This pressure is transferred through the tooth roots to the jaw which in turn responds by essentially moving the sockets to create new spaces for the teeth to move into.

Because the changes from one aligner to another are slight, treatment using clear aligners tends to be gentler and more comfortable.

Typically, each aligner is worn for 10 days before being discarded and replaced with the next in the series. Once the last aligner has been worn, your teeth will be straight but a retainer will need to be worn after this point to prevent them from moving back to their original positions.

How does the process work?

At-home clear aligners make it easier than ever to straighten teeth with a process that’s designed to be incredibly simple in 3 simple steps.

Step 1

A 30-second assessment can be taken online to determine if you are a suitable candidate for aligner treatment. This also enables our orthodontist-led team to figure out the best way to help you get your dream smile. Once accepted for treatment, the next step is to take a series of dental impressions.

Step 2

Patients can create their own dental impressions using a risk-free impression kit that will be shipped directly to their door. It comes with everything that’s required to create 5 impressions plus a pre-paid return label.

Step 3

Once you’ve decided to come on board the final step is to order your aligners. No orthodontic visits are necessary and no uncomfortable brackets and wires. Simply go about wearing your aligners as instructed in the customised treatment plan and you’ll be well on the way to your brand new smile.

That’s it – simple isn’t it!

Quick teeth straightening the flexible way

To straighten teeth and achieve the best results, patients must wear their aligners for a minimum of 20 to 22 hours. Remember, aligners can only work when they’re in your mouth so faster results will be achieved the longer you keep them in.

Naturally, we understand that not everyone with an active lifestyle can (2) commit to wearing their aligners all of the time which is why there’s an option for NightOnly Clear Aligners.

These need to be worn for 8-10 hours as you sleep allowing you to go about your daily business as normal. Night time clear aligners remove the worry of taking your aligners in and out to eat, particularly when you have company. While the treatment time will be longer, you may feel that the convenience is more than worth it.

Why clear aligners are popular solution

Clear aligners are clearer and more efficient than other treatments currently on the market. Not only are they customised but they are handcrafted and trimmed to the gum line, giving them a superior and snug comfortable fit.

If you’re looking for a fast hassle-free way to straighten teeth while staying on a budget then look no further than clear aligners such as those provided by Caspersmile. They provide extremely low-cost treatment compared to our competitors and with an option to pay in affordable monthly installments.


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