Back to School - Cavity Free

Back to School Cavity Free
Published Date:
July 16, 2021
Updated Date:
July 16, 2021
Reading Time: 7:min
Published Date:
July 16, 2021
Updated Date:
July 16, 2021
Reading Time: 7:min

With summer coming to a close, it is that time of the year when kids are apprehensive about their new academic year and the parents are worried about their child’s health for all the hours they are out of the house.

Thanks to the junk food in the cafeteria, it is easy for kids to indulge in bad eating habits. So how do you make sure that your child is eating well and that their oral health is not compromised? The best way for a parent is to pack the lunch themselves and make sure that they get familiar with a few basics of healthy snacks like:

  1. If you are going to include something sweet, make it a nutritious and antioxidant dense
  2. Keep sugars to a minimum before lunch as they tend to burn out your energy early in the day.
  3. Get quality fats into the diet at every opportunity as they are critically important in stopping
    and even helping reverse tooth decay.
  4. Include proteins in the snacks as they can help you feel full for longer period of time.
  5. Prefer whole foods over packaged foods whenever possible.
  6. A little care here and a little care there will help kids support their oral health as they head back
    to school and in the long run make they grow up with perfectly healthy teeth.

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